Sunday, July 22, 2012

2 days till lift off

I have a plan and I've told people about I'm committed to something bigger than myself. It should be enough to do things like this for myself by myself; but for some reason that I'm sure has an interesting psychological story, I'm just not wired that way. So yes, I've shared with quite a few people now what I'm doing. What am I doing? Simply, I'm doing a juice cleanse. I am starting Tuesday (I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow to finish getting supplies) on what will be a 5 day juice/eating solely fruits and vegetables to wean into the next 5 days of just drinking on average 80% vegetable and 20% fruit juice. This is supposed to help make the detox process easier - and I'm keeping my goals small and easy for now. Again, for some reason this works better for me. I need to have my big overall goal in mind, but I also need to break down into something...palatable - no pun intended. Then if I feel like stretching that 5 days out to 10, 15 or 30 days I can. That big goal - absolutely, I would love to do a 30 or even a 60 day cleanse.

There are several different plans to pick from, which you can take a look at here. I'm doing the Classic Reboot.

I'm not going to go into all the details about the movie that inspired me, and the specifics of general info that if you are interested you can take a look at yourself, although I'll post as many links as I can that I come across that I find helpful for anyone following and interested, but also for myself for future reference. I'm going shopping tomorrow for the rest of the items needed for the first 3 days, which turns out to be quite a bit. Here is what I got today:

This is $87.57 worth of perishable food items, juicer not included, and I still have a lot to get. Some of it (the more expensive stuff, like raw honey) will last much more than 3 days. There is a learning curve like anything new; I had to look up how to store some things, like fresh ginger. I'm not a ginger fan and I've only ever bought it minced in a jar. There are lettuces and leafy products I didn't know by sight either, and because grocery store produce signs are sooo helpful, it was a real joy trying to figure it out. I'll be the first to say I couldn't have picked out swiss chard, kale, arugula or jicama without first searching for the image online so I would have a clue of what to look for. Here is how to store different produce.

Okay, I had my last cigarette at about 5pm today and my mind is more so reeling at the thought that tomorrow's cup of coffee will be the last one for quite some time, I'll be honest. Tomorrow is my last day of regular food and then onward we go...into my newest adventure; to better health and higher energy!

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