Thursday, July 14, 2011


Okay, was really yesterday.

I'm staying a bit late at work to type a little something because I know I need to update. I haven't had internet at home so blogging, e-mailing, and general interweb surfing and fun having have been very limited the last month or so. I also don't have any TV at home at the moment. This I not only don't mind, I really enjoy it. I watch movies when I want, but otherwise my life isn't getting sucked away. I wouldn't mind a little life sucking internet though. I'm working on it...Comcast and AT&T are on my bad boy list at the moment.

You know who isn't? My birthday boy! It has been a long crazy year but I can honestly say that I'm pretty happy about things right now. Elba has so many new tricks. No, he isn't walking. He is cruising, using the push along walkers and all that, but no interest in even holding onto your hands and walking. He will stand unsupported if he doesn't realize he is doing it. What else? He blows kisses, waves 'bye bye' consistently, says 'ball', 'Elba', 'Mom' and 'Papa'. He loves to read, play in any kind of water, listen and dance to music, swing, and climb the stairs. He isn't so fond of long car rides or having his ears cleaned. He eats everything! We went to the pediatrician today and he is 21 lbs, 9.5 oz, 31.25" and 18" head circumfrence. I need to look at where he is at on the growth chart, but again, my internet time is limited! :)

Things between Mitch and I are amiacable. I think it was a little awkward for a bit, mostly because we weren't really talking about anything. Well, we went to breakfast and spent the day at Kensington park on father's day and had the opportunity to talk about stuff and sort of clear the air. The way I see it is that we have been friends for a long time, and while part of of 'us' were pretty horrible I don't see any reason for the rest of this to be the same way. It isn't just for Elba either; I don't want us to have a bad relationship. He actually really came through for me recently. Our babysitter took a few days off with short notice and I was stuck because I had just come back from vacation and couldn't really take time off. Well, he totally covered the days, figured it out and helped me out big time. We also talked about the inevitable move back home and how that is all going to work. I think we figured out something that will work for both of us.

I know there is more I wanted to write, but I lost it....