Wednesday, August 25, 2010

6 Weeks - Getting Better

New Stuff: Elba is content for about 20 minutes underneath the activity arch (although I'm already sick of the annoying song it plays), he will sometimes stick his tongue out to mimic Mitch or I when we do it first (this is adorable), and lastly he is standing up like a big boy if he is leaning against Mitch's chest (this might just be a reflex, but it is still awesome).

We tried to let him cry it out for the first time. The book says that some infants as young as 6 weeks respond well, others 8 and yet sometimes 10. I can't say if it was successful or not really because we didn't quite stick to it. I went for a walk while Mitch let him cry; and it only took half an hour and he fell back asleep. Unfortunately, he was at it again after an hour or so. We let him CIO another half hour and then Mitch caved and picked him up. I can say that letting him cry got him to fall asleep quicker, on the bright side. Since he still hates his crib I don't think CIO is going to work right now. We are still letting him sleep wherever he falls asleep (that is generally either in the bouncy chair or on either of us. If you put him down in either his crib or the pack n play bassinet he usually only sleeps for an hour maximum. I think until he or we get better at crib sleeping expecting him to CIO will be fruitless. My co-worker swears we should just do it and stick to it a few nights and we will be golden. I don't know that either of us are ready to bear our child's cries that long yet.

I found the coolest website! lets me log and track sleep (his, not mine because that would be depressing!), feedings, poops & pees and even has a breast pumping log. This not only satisfies my detail oriented need, but also when the pediatrician asks how much he sleeps, etc. I will have a vague idea instead of no clue. When I was reading my new savior book I realized that when they were talking about the average sleep time total per day I had no idea if Elba fell more into the colicky 12 hours or the good average 15 hours. Of course, I started logging after his peak 6 weeks and since then he has been a much better sleeper. He generally is sleeping 15 hours a day now (making a liar out of me). No really though, he has been so much better this last week. Not as much fussing; still some, but not nearly the amount of exhausting and frustrating hours spent trying to console him anymore.

In other depressing news, this is my first full time week back to work. I like getting out of the house and am relieved that Mitch is home, but I miss my boy during the day. I find myself wondering what they are doing at home; if he is being a good boy for Daddy, and if anything neat is going on.

Lastly, Mitch and I have started the hunt for a new place. I hate moving, but we desperately need more space now. This place was perfect for me when I moved in a year ago. How things have changed...ha! I wouldn't have thought in a million years last year that things would be as they are now. When life throws you a curve ball and whatnot!

Weight: 209

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