Thursday, August 19, 2010

Magic Fingers and trying Cry it Out

I forgot to log his one month check up info! We saw the pediatrician on Aug. 13th and he was already a whopping 10 lbs. 12 oz and 22 3/4 inches long. I guess he is following his growth curve - they flashed some graph with multiple curves on it at me that I didn't quite follow, but this was to reassure me that he is doing well.

There is also a funny story I wanted to write about. The last couple of weeks the vibrating bouncy chair has been the savior around 2-3am and generally where Elba spends his night sleeping. At the peak of his fussiness I would put him in the chair, prop a bottle or give him the pacifier and do dishes while the chair is on the kitchen counter. The bright light made him close his eyes and I think the water sound was soothing as well. I invested money in this strategy, purchasing rechargeable batteries because the thing would drain 4 AA's per night. One night, much to my dismay it wouldn't turn on. I kept putting the batteries in, thinking in my sleep deprived mindset maybe I was flubbing this simple task. Nope, because I could get the little sound machine to work but not the vibration thing. I gave up and started to manually shake and jostle the chair. I kept thinking, if only I had some sort of apparatus that would do this for me, something....MAGIC FINGERS!!!
So maybe 8 or so years ago I bought a very expensive bed in which the sales guy included these vibrating wands that you were supposed to put between the box spring and the mattress. I tried it at first, but really it was silly...not much of a massage at all. Cut to, it's 4AM the stupid bouncy chair doesn't work and I'm like an insane person searching through the stackable Rubbermaid totes that have old clothes, photo albums....and the magic fingers. I positioned one of the wands in the bottom fold of fabric, closed it up with some safety pins and gave it a go...PERFECT!
Tonight is the first night Mitch and I are going to let the boy cry it out. It is 12:14 and the boy has been screaming since midnight. It's all I can do not to cry myself...but if this works, I hear it is supposed to be great. The book says not all babies are ready at 6 weeks, some do better at 8. Lets see if my boy is ahead of the curve on this one too. Crossing my fingers and going outside for a walk.

1 comment:

  1. I had to let Grant CIO too, and much younger than we did with Jack, but it wasn't nearly as bad (still hard to hear as a mom though, even when you know it's for their own good and yours). He learned much more quickly and in general didn't carry on very long. Good luck! I don't think it's terrible to start them fairly early, if you are careful and opportunistic about it. :)
