Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Time is flying. I have been meaning to sit down and catch up on the blog for some time. The rash he had I'm pretty sure was the soap; now we have some eczema and a yeast rash currently to work on and makes things interesting. Crawling is so out these days; I can't remember the last time I saw him crawl. He has taken now to running; he likes it when I comment on how fast he goes. It's the little things. He is talking a lot now too. We saw my mom the other day, and he said 'Grandma'. When he isn't making understandable words (which unless he repeats something I said, that is the case) he is full of gobblygook; it is so cute. Favorites are to read stories and not so favorite is eating. I think he must be eating a lot at lunch at daycare because dinner is generally very limited. He picks and then throws his food on the floor, the universal sign for all done. Even though he can say all done, that is the preferred method for hasty removal of the chair.
I really need to get pictures off my camera and get better at taking them. The first 6 months I took pictures of everything and now I forget to bring the camera, forget to take pictures if I do, or forgot to change the battery pack. I was able to snap a few when we went trick or treating at my aunt's with her kids before the battery died. Elba dressed up as a bee and I used a previous year's Raggedy Ann costume. I had no intention of dressing up, but then I had a work event that I had to so thankfully my costume wasn't too inaccessible.
My current employer's insurance is ridiculously expensive to add a dependent ($40 min for me, but with a child $240 min)! So, I put him on the state's All Kids program. I make too much and have to pay $40/month for it, but that is much more reasonable. He got a TB test the other day when I brought him in the yeast rash and shots. But this doctor doesn't do 15 months shots and on their time line he was up to date (?) so I have to bring him next month instead. Well and tomorrow to check the TB (it's fine).
I'm still just totally wiped out by the end of the day...I don't think that is gonna change for a while unfortunately. I haven't been taking my thyroid pills as I should or drinking enough water. I'm sure that would help and I'm gonna try harder. Because I'm so busy during the day and then with Elba at night, I pretty much have no desire to look at any kind of screen in the evening and I've taken to reading, which I've always said I need to do more of anyway. It is my relaxing time. I wish I had the energy or motivation to work out. I think I really had it right in Michigan by going to the gym directly after work. Elba has been going to bed earlier, sometimes as early as 6:30 or 7, but generally 7:30pm. I don't think if I went to gym after work I'd be happy about the time spent with him though. I leave work between 5-6pm, so you do the math on how much QT I'm getting with him during the week. That stinks, but also why I cherish the weekends.
Since moving, I've been out to Michigan now twice for Mitch and his family to spend time with him. I'll be honest, it sucks. It sucks having to give up a weekend a month with Elba when I already have so little time with him. It sucks more to drive 10 hours once a month. I'm going again for November and Christmas. Mitch was supposed to come out in November but he can't take off work. I swore that I wasn't going to, but I feel guilty for Elba and I don't want him to not see them for two months. That is a long time for such a young age. I'm putting my foot down on January though...and I hate driving in snow/bad weather. I will pick anyone up at the train station, but I just am not comfortable making the drive in dangerous conditions. I'm sure that will be fine. Mitch didn't pressure me about November, it was my choice to go. If the weather is okay then I'd rather go now than when I really don't feel it is safe. Mitch and my relationship and communication have been very good. I even stayed over there last time I was out. I tried to occupy myself doing things and being away during the day. Elba is clingy and a bit of a Momma's boy if I'm around and I wanted them to enjoy their time together. It was nice to have time to myself and get some things done. I'm thinking of getting a massage and doing some Christmas shopping this next trip.
Okay, I'm just itching to get off the computer and I don't have much else to report on. Everything at work is great as well as things with Lou. He is working two part time jobs at the moment and hoping something will turn into full time. I'm just glad he found work and he is saving up for school next semester. It's a little bit of a grind right now, but I don't mind it; nothing is too difficult or stressful. It is actually kind of a peaceful routine we have going.

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