Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mothers Day

Happy First Mothers Day! I woke up this morning to hear Elba babbling and playing in his crib. Mitch got Elba and we all hung out in bed for a bit. Elba was making 'monster noises' and 'getting' us. It was so sweet. Mitch made coffee while I played with Elba, breaking out some new toys I'd bought at Once Upon a Child after bringing in two boxes of too small clothes and getting almost $50 in store credit! One of the best finds is this walker/rider that he is cruising around the house in. Mitch made breakfast while I fed Elba. We showered and now Elba is 'napping' before we head over too Mitch's Mom's house for the rest of the day. Elba isn't really napping. He was being super crabby and should be ready for a nap, but he is up there playing and fussing. He is not having as many naps as before, now we are lucky to get two and never three. This morning he slept till 9am (Happy Mother's Day!) so I'm not surprised he isn't sleeping, but I don't want him crabby the rest of the day at Mom's.

Elba is almost 10 months and I'm starting to think about his first birthday. I feel like a lot of the things I say are so cliche - and here I am, I can't believe it has already been a year. Time has flown by. And my word, my boy is amazing! My life is so different, I wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes I miss the things I used to do, or the way I could do what I want at any time, but for what I have now I would give it all up again.

I applied and had an interview for an Executive Director position with another company. It was a long shot, as it was for a large assisted living community. I didn't get it based on my lack of experience with the health care side and not having Executive management experience. I understand and agree that I don't have that experience. That isn't to say though that I can't do it. In fact, I know that if I could just get the opportunity I would do a great job. Well, I'm always looking and trying to move to the next step.

Okay, time to get off with the rest of the day - Happy Mother's Day to all the first time and many time Moms out there. I wish I had some heartfelt words of wisdom to end with! :)

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