Saturday, March 20, 2010

25 Weeks - Growing Pains

My hips are killin' me! I've always had pain in my hips when I've been sitting too long, and lately it's getting pretty horrible. Mitch did some research for me and found that hip pain is common, especially among women of Scandinavian decent. Yup, got that from my Dad. Man this feels almost exactly like the sciatica I had a run in with when I was about 20. I've been stretching and using the heating pad. I'm gonna ask the doctor next visit if there are any other remedies, or if I should go get massages (you know, because it would then be doctor recommended and not just a pampering thing!) maybe?

I've been a bit down on myself for not being as active as I should be. I decided to start walking more, either home from work (only about 2 miles), or at least around the neighborhood or something. The weather has turned and it has been beautiful lately. So, that same day I stuck to my guns and headed to CVS. I was halfway there and I got what felt like a side stitch, but lower in my abdomen. Not horribly painful, but worrisome nonetheless. CVS is only 3 or 4 blocks from my house. What a slacker I've become. Less than a year ago I was hiking 8-15 miles consistently! I'm going to ask the doctor about this too. I'm a little concerned since I have the Previa going on and the last thing I need is to get myself on bed rest for the last two months. So, I'm disappointed but gonna take it real easy for a bit. Better safe than sorry I guess.

I'll also take a moment to gloat about how wonderful Mitch has been. In the beginning when I was going through absolute exhaustion he was pretty much doing everything for me; cooking, cleaning, laundry. I mean, he would get up and get me a refill during dinner just so I didn't have to get up. I've taken back some household chores, but he is still such a huge help to me. He is going to be a great Dad! He gets into baby stuff, like hearing about how big little bean is getting (half a gallon of milk right now!), or laying with me to feel him kick. He is reading the Daddy book I got him, but he also flips through my What to Expect book, as well as this awesome infant encyclopedia sort of book that my Aunt's friend got for me. He's pretty super!

Lastly, a big thank you to my Aunt Natalie and Uncle Dean. My little cousin Jack is 7 months right now and I got the first of many donations they are planning to make to my needy family! No really though, tons of baby clothes and other baby necessities. She helped me sit down and create my registry list, something I really was putting off. I'm so thrifty that I don't feel like I really need any of it. She helped me think of the things I do need and what is a waste. My Aunt Coleen and Uncle Dave are also letting me borrow their crib and dresser - another huge item I can cross off! Thank you all so you bunches!


  1. Two Words: Diaper Genie

  2. Have you considered a web shower? Let me know and we'll see what can be organized.
