Friday, July 9, 2010

2-5 Days Overdue

My friend Josh and I share this joke that I'm the boss of everyone. I have however found that I'm the boss of everyone except the baby clutching onto my insides while I try to shake him free - too much of a visual there? :) I really do imagine he looks like Santa Claus finding that someone left a fire on at the bottom of the chimney and he has braced himself; arms, legs and back wedged against all sides of my cervix stating that he 'aint going anywhere yet'. I tried creative visualization last night. My visions of opening flowers are apparently not strong enough to ellicit any kind of action.

Neil, my step-father headed back to Illinois last night.

Every twinge my uterus makes I am hopefull that it is the start of labor. Every time I use the bathroom or shower I'm eagerly awaiting the sight of the plug (gross, but true)! Every morning this week I've woken and gotten dressed for work I wonder if it will be last. I wonder if I won't even have the baby until my Grandparents are driving back from Maryland to Chicago on the 14th. I imagined them visiting me at home after a week of recovery instead of potentially at the hospital.

I'm ready to start punching people out at work. Not just for asking when I'm gonna have the baby (really, like I'm crossing my legs and not letting him out!) but also because I think pregnancy hormones are starting make me grouchy. Really, I'm a bit more short tempered and iritable I think. I know, like duh! but I've been really good I think up until this last week. I'M DONE - I'm done being a good sport about pregnancy and everything else! Oh man, fingers are crossed and bets are being made that sometime over the weekend it will happen. I hope so! Mitch and I were just talking about what he will look like and I can't wait to see the little buggaroo!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see him too! Awww you poor thing. It's hard to hang in there when it looks like nothing's progressing and he's overstayed his welcome by a week. Just think someday soon when he is squawking you will have thoughts about sending him back. Heh. :)
