Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Am I Ready?!

I just went to REI and picked up the last few things on my list. I even found a pair of boots, which I'd been struggling with for months. You have no idea how happy I am about this; I was really about to just go in my weekend Timberland Pros and hope for the best in hopes an outfitter along the way might have magic shoes for me!

I finished making little ridiculous baggies of food for my three drop boxes and am totally disgusted by how much we waste; the boxes, the plastic and foil pouches, etc.

I loaded everything into my pack, including food and water and was so happy that not only did everything fit (I'm not sure what I could have done without if it hadn't), but my full pack weight is 35 pounds, which is right where I want to be - HOORAY!

While time is ticking, and I'm in Michigan for only about two more weeks (until March 9th) and then heading south. I'll be in Florida visiting friends and family until it's time to go.

I've had people ask me, "Are you excited?", "Are you nervous?", "Are you scared?" Yes, to all of these....but mostly, I CAN'T WAIT AND I'M READY TO GO! I think that is a good sign. I already feel like a five year old on Christmas Eve...I'm not sure how I'm going to go another month without exploding!

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