So there I was, the night of July 3rd, I got home from a friend's birthday BBQ and I started having contractions and things were looking exciting! I even called Mitch (who had stayed at the get together) to warn him I might be calling for him to come home if this kept up, fingers crossed. I knew what to do, they all say get sleep while you can! It was 11:30 PM so I went to go to sleep, wondering if I might wake in a few hours with a wet bed or something. As soon as I laid down everything stopped. Damn Braxton Hicks.
July 4th - the Due Date - we went to Mitch's moms house for BBQ and awaited my step father and sister's arrival from Chicago. We fished, swam and had a good time...without even a hiccup of any kind of contractions. Damn.
July 5th - I go to work and everyone is disappointed to see me. This begins what will continue everyday, increasingly turning into even looks of disdain, "You haven't had that baby yet?!" It's on everyone's lips and faces, mocking me.
July 6th - I'm excited for my 9AM doctors appointment to confirm that at least SOMETHING is happening. Actually not, I'm not even dilating at all. Still zero, damn! They want to wait another week to see what happens. Oh man.
July 7th - I'm getting a lot of things done at work that I didn't think I'd be able to. My belly is getting even bigger and is starting to hurt. Getting out of bed every two hours at night to pee is really starting to hips and crotch hurt most of all then. But the good news is during the day I'm not to the miserable state that so many other preggos get to at this point...I'm still smiling and going through the motions.
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