Yesterday was a day of relaxation, laundry, charging electronics and updating photos and blog for Nothai and I. Other than that, there was some dinner and the watching fo Valkerie (I liked it very much).
Today was a bit more exciting. We decided to drive the Lariet scenic loop drive. We started by stopping at Dinosour Ridge and I was disappointed to find out that you can't drive the ridge anymore. You have to either walk the 2 mile loop or pay to ride in a tour bus around and they tell you stuff that I'm sure is interesting. We planned already to hike through Red Rocks so we decided to skip the ridge. I've done it before and Nothai wasn't that excited about it. Red Rocks is what it is every time I go - AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL!!! We got there right on time before they closed the amplitheatre for the concert that night. We hiked the one mile-ish loop that is the perfect challenge and length for a nice walk leaving you a bit sweaty, thirsty and ready to get back in the car! We continued on the loop through Morrison and Evergreen, little mountain towns and talked about how it might be to live there.
We stopped to view a herd a buffalo then continued on to Buffalo Bill's grave and a beautiful lookout of both the city, including Denver in the distance, and the mountains next to it. This was a great spot that I don't remember having ever been to before. It was a good day of spectacular views. I enjoyed showing off 'My Colorado'!
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