Lucky Penny is leaving the trail. Another one bites the dust! Scout and Backtrack too, but they were just section hiking to Newfound Gap. Nosense (previously Andy, before my giving him a trail name) is also leaving, supposedly to come back to us after three days off...but we shall see. I sent a heavy pair of pants home...I am carrying too much crap. I am looking forward to Pearisburg to send my heavy warm stuff home. I am thinking of switching sleeping bags too. Mine weighs 4 lbs (HEAVY!) and is a 15 degree bag, totally unnecessary soon. But, I don't want to buy a new one. Does anyone have a super lightweight summer bag I could borrow? My other option is to just buy a cheap Walmart bag for the summer.
Chef and Nothai wanted to visit Cherokee, so Bluto took us all there so they could see what an American Indian reservation looks like. I knew not to get too excited, and it was exactly what I'd expected, worse actually. I lost my rain hat a while ago, so I was looking for a baseball cap in town, but decided not to get one there.
Chef was talking about a book I want to read, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I'm writing it down so I don't forget about it later. We walked 3 miles and are staying at Icewater Shelter. I've also sworn off burgers and fries today. We got Burger King right before heading back and it sat like a rock in my gut the whole 3 miles. I realized I feel that way after burgers always and I'm done eating crap food in town rather than the fresh food I should be eating. Chef and I both vowed no more burgers and fries. We met a few guys out for the weekend getting away from the kids and wives; Stick, Mr. Clean, and Handle. Also here is Ging-er and Transition. The Smokies are looking more like the Smokies now, I think it has something to do with the fog rolling in however.
Zen and the Art... has been recommended to me several times too.