April 1st already; I've been back for 6 months now. Elba will be 2 years old in four months now. He is talking a lot now; he is a sponge and repeats everything he hears. He understands everything too; the TV got turned on and the volumne was very high. I commented that it was too loud and then later when we were in the car, he tells me that the radio is loud. Amazing.
So, this is a tough job...and I feel like it is hard for me to know what the right thing to do is; with everything. I'm wondering if now that I'm here I should start looking for a higher paying job. Should I purchase a townhouse instead of throwing my money away in rent now. This will all mean yet more change for Elba; how much can he handle without having a bad adjustment? Oh, things with Louis and I aren't quit working out so he is heading back to Michigan. Yet another change. I'm done dating and trying to work out a relationship; quite possibly the one area in my life that maybe I'm just downright bad at. I don't want to get into all the nitty gritty, but in a nutshell I think he isn't ready for all this and we aren't very complimentary of eachother. Maybe that is something that could have been seen if we had actually dated for longer, but such is life. I don't do anything half assed. It's always been all or nothing for me. Okay, so that is that. I should have stayed living at my aunt's...I can hear all of the 'I told you so's.