Elba is getting some more teeth in at the moment, and these ones are kickin' our butts. He also recently broke out in hives or some sort of rash that could be a few different things. I started using a new soap (we are thinking that is it) but we also went to Goeberts pumpkin farm on Sunday and there were pumpkins he was rolling around in, hay we sat on and two outdoor tents filled with different African animal (possible allergens) to choose from. He has been around both pumpkin and hay and he didn't touch any of the animals, so I'm pitching the soap and moving forward. On the bright side this doesn't seem to be bothering him since he is getting horribly painful teeth in too.
Elba is a walkin' fool! He rarely crawls anymore and totters around quite well. It is adorable. Do you know what isn't adorable? Tantrums...yes, we are getting there now. I've gotten a few "I want to do this thing you won't let me" full body throwing and screaming like you are stabbing me tantrums. It's quite scary. I'm consulting this years bible, Happiest Toddler on the Block, so I'll get back with you on how that goes. This weekend he didn't get enough sleep (neither did I) and we are all cranky about it. The three of us vowed to rest this upcoming weekend and spend some needed QT together. We moved into the new place about two weeks ago and it has been all business. After getting out of work, taking care of Elba and putting stuff away and getting settled, Lou and I haven't had much time to really do fun stuff or connect. I haven't gotten much downtime or time to myself either, so I'm starting to feel a little stretched thin and am really needing to take some time this weekend to relax. It's Lou's birthday on Saturday and when I asked him what he wants to do he said to just stay home and hang out together. Aww...I can do that.
Okay, may job...I LOVE MY JOB! I really enjoy what I do. It is a lot of fun. Less money, sure...less stress, gotta love that. Funny story; I got a call a few weeks ago from the hiring manager of Friendship Village looking for a Business Office Manager for their new building that would be about 20 minutes from where I live now (same distance) earning about what I was making in Michigan. I actually considered it for a minute; I'm fickle when it comes to money and am easily bought. Maybe not easily, but I took quite the pay cut and the thought of more money now was very appealing for a moment. Then I considered what the job entailed (not learning anything new) and how much I enjoy what I'm doing now and realized that the money wasn't worth it right now. Not to mention that I feel what I'm doing right now is really important for the long run of what I want to do overall. I'm doing really well also. Due to some crazy things the wait list they had here pretty much fell apart a few weeks into my starting. Well, it is right back to where it had started and I've brought some really great ideas to the table that not only impressed my bosses but also got results already. So...things are going well. Life is once again feeling sunny side up. Things with Lou are great; we are still learning to read each other and the other person's quirks. I have to also admit that having someone as helpful as he is; loving, patient and good tempered is such a breath of fresh air. I really feel so lucky to have him in my life and as a partner.