Monday, June 6, 2011

10.5 months - A new start

Tack another one on the long list of 'Amy's failed relationships'. I haven't posted much about the tumultuous relationship between Mitch and I mostly out of respect for him. I don't want to upset him in posting this but I feel like I want to be truthful about a big piece of whats going on.

Mitch was staying over at his Mom's house since last Saturday. We hadn't really been talking over the past week about what was going on, and I thought maybe he was just 'needing some time alone' again or something. He told me this Saturday that he is moving his things out this week and that we are done. He went so far as to say that he would rather raise Elba out of two households rather than one in which we are always fighting. So, I think that is officially it.

It has been a rough year and half between Mitch and I. Well, if we want to really tell the truth, it has been a rocky relationship most of the time. We are very different people and I think I thought that maybe we would get on the same page with what we wanted and be able to discuss the issues when our opinions or thoughts didn't match; committing to figure it out. Ultimately we want very different things and are not able to talk it out. Yeah, there is a lot more to it...but that is the long of the short.

On the bright side, things should start feeling better soon. It is hard doing everything for Elba alone and being solely responsible for everything, but at least knowing where the situation stands is better than constantly being pissed, let down and disappointed. I could rant and rave about all the injustices with examples to justify how pissed I am entitled to be; but then what? I'm sitting alone with a bunch of negativity, bitter with the world? Nah, I can't do that. I have an amazing little boy that is waiting for me to finish work to spend a few precious hours together before bedtime. I have to get ready and move on to the rest of my life.

So, what is new in the world of Elba? I don't even remember where we were when we left off with the last update. He has 7 teeth; 4 on top, 3 on the bottom. I bought him a walker that he zooms around the house in. He isn't quite ready for walking; he prefers to crawl. He smells everything! I taught him how to sniff and now that is all he does - crawls around sniffing everything he finds. He 'talks on the phone'. It is cute - he will even pick up things that aren't' remotely phones (a belt) and try to talk on it. He knows 'fan' in sign language and will find the fan when you ask, and sign 'fan' if I ask what it is. He is eating everything I give him mostly put prefers the food on the tray and not in a bowl. He scrounges for scraps on the floor when he is finished and I put him down from the chair. I let him!

About me; I've been consistently going to the gym 3 days a week, trying for 4-5. It is about to get harder; no daycare Friday, Saturday & Sunday. I also started Weight Watchers online. I had great success last time I did WW - lost about 30-40 pounds so I'm back on the wagon. Watching what I'm eating is having the best results. You can work out like crazy but when you eat crap it doesn't matter. I'm down to 193 this morning. I can tell that my clothes are definitely looser and I'm fitting back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I was right; needed to lose an extra ten before fitting into my suits because of the way my body has changed. I am getting rid of the TV. I did this once before and was amazed at how I found other things to do. TV is such a timesuck. And right now with my computer being broken (yeah, I'm at work blogging...shhh), I can't go online anyway. I need a new mother board and I can't afford it now, so that will have to wait too. Unfortunately this means that no picture updates for a while too! So, I'm turning off internet and cable at home. I'm excited to see how creative I can get at home.

Okay, need to get back to work, and that is enough for now!