Saturday, June 26, 2010

Week 39 - Git In MEH BELLY!

I was walking over to the pool today (no comment yet on how awesome I look in my bathing suit right now!) and I was having great appreciation for family and friends. I haven't purchased anything for baby yet, and I have everything I need for now. Yeah, I know I will certainly have lots of out of pocket in a bit with whopping (mmm...I want some Whoppers, the candy kind, not the cheeseburger) hospital bills, but I'm lucky to have the support that I do to make this part easy. With having to buy a new car a few months ago and still paying off my student loans, not to mention the rest of the regular bills, money is tight...and this is just one thing that I've not had to think about...and I was thinking about that today. That I have an incredible support system of family and friends and how some people don't have that. It made me very appreciative for everyone in my life.

So, my last Tuesday doctor appointment revealed that I'm just starting to dilate, but not even to 1 yet, so still looking to be on time. I'm wondering if I might go over though. He hasn't even dropped yet, which can happen as early as the 35th week.

I was also thinking a lot about body image today. It started because as I was walking over to the pool, wearing my suit and cover-up I became aware that my thighs were rubbing together while walking. Not just a little bit up at the top which is normal for me, but the entire thigh area pretty much down to my knees. So here's the thing; this didn't bother me one bit. There was no twinge of guilt, not a negative thought at fact, I felt very good that I was even walking my swollen enlarged self over to the pool to swim, in public, in a too tight bathing suit. I have really accepted my physical form that I've struggled against since senior year when I started to put on weight and into adulthood as I continued; obsessed with food, diet, exercise, etc. I haven't yo-yo'ed like Oprah, but I've gone through the stages that I suppose most people have through adulthood; put it on, take it off, try this diet or that, a cleansing fast here or there, eliminate this or only eat that; exercise commitments held then abandoned, glaring looks to the desk that binds me, or sometimes the couch. Top it off with the ever frustrating thyroid issues that make all efforts sometimes seem for naught and I've been a guilt ridden, down on myself kind of girl with moments of clarity, strength and focus for over ten years now ever since I grew out of the 32 inch waist mens jeans I wore in high school (either I didn't have a junior's section or I didn't know it existed, but men's jeans made my butt look better than the 'mom jean' alternative in the women's section. Anywho, the point of all this was that I'm now at my heaviest (I just went over my previous heaviest weight I think thanks to those aforementioned milkshakes) and I'm the happiest with my body in a long time. I don't know why this is or if any other ladies experience this thinking solely linked to pregnancy in some way, but I feel great in my adult skin for one of the first times 100%, stretch marks, cellulite and all! As much as I'm ready to be able to be limber at the waist again, I think I'm going to miss my belly. Well, I'm hungry and there is a full kitchen of assorted items calling and whispering to me that I should pick this over that, but I'm sort of in the mood for crab rangoons to be honest, but that seems like so much effort!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

38 Weeks - Anytime Now

Last Tuesday I had my first check under the hood and the doctor said that my cervix is ripening (softening) but there is no dilation or anything else exciting going on right now, which means so far I'm right on schedule. I am now going to be getting checked every Tuesday since technically I'm now within the two weeks of my due date and could go at any time now! Woah!

Mitch had his first baby dream this week. He said he couldn't remember the details exactly, but he remembered he was putting the baby to sleep and he looked down and saw his cute little face. He's ready; he keeps telling me to give him his baby! We went to his favorite breakfast spot for "not first Father's Day". He is adamant that he is not celebrating his first Fathers Day this year. He didn't really resist though when throughout the day he was getting his way only because it was Fathers Day. :)

I'm still feeling the same; good overall. I went over to my friend Erin's house last night and her mom painted my belly. She did this nice sunset scene of a dragon bending down and kissing a baby dragon. I'll upload pictures as soon as I can. I really need to take some artsy belly pictures if I'm gonna do it before I go into labor here. I've been having some random contractions, but nothing really too exciting. I think I'll go right to my due date, if not over. I've had it too easy to go early on top of it!

Friday, June 11, 2010

37 Weeks - Old People Say the Darndest Things!

I have heard this week both, "Is there something wrong with the baby, you are too small for 9 months!" as well as, "Are you sure you don't have twins in there?" from residents at the senior housing community I work at. For everyone's information, I've gained about 30 lbs and haven't gained any in the last few weeks (which is normal), despite my getting rounder. This means the baby is stealing my fat; take it I say! I'm actually quite proud of my weight gain through this. I'm not yet past the highest number I've ever seen when stepping on the scale (about 6 years ago I was 240 at my heaviest). I put on a most weight surprisingly in the first trimester, I think from lack of energy and giving into cravings. Otherwise, I've maintained a healthful diet with lots of fruit, veggies, dairy and grain. I haven't eaten much meat, but I've substituted eggs and cottage cheese so I can still get protein as well as lots of green leafy for iron. The way I was packin' on the pounds at first I thought for sure I was going to gain at least 50 lbs by the end, but third trimester really slowed for weight gain. I think it also helps that my stomach is squished so much that I can't eat much before being full, and I know if I get to that point that I'll have heartburn like a mother! Actually, heartburn has become the chronic norm now unfortunately. I was able to keep it under control the last month or so with Tums and glasses of milk. But now, the only thing that a milkshake! I know what you are thinking, "Yeah, right...okay Amy, a milkshake is the 'only thing' that will help, how terrible." But really, and I'm not really a milkshake kind of person either. I'd rather go straight for the ice cream....but milkshakes it is right now! Yeah, and they are tasty too! I'm a bit nervous that this habit will start the pounds packin' again. Did you know that a milkshake/frosty/jamoca shake is like a million times worse than say an ice cream cone? Something about the different kinds of mix they use for each. I would eat the ice cream cone if I thought it would do the same thing...but magically it doesn't. I'm not kidding; milkshakes FTW!

Yesterday my co-workers had a surprise baby shower for me at work with the residents. It was really very nice. My co-workers chipped in on a wagon filled with goodies, and some residents brought gifts too. I was very touched by the whole thing. I mean really, the generocity of everyone, some of which hardly know was really too nice!

This weekend Janet is hosting my baby shower in Michigan. I've been very bad at attending social gatherings lately, as I've said before, so I'm really looking forward to seeing all my lady friends. My good friend Erin is also going to be in town since she moved out of state a while ago, I'm so happy to get to spend some time with her too!

In a few days I'll be going to my doctor appointment and they will inspect me for the first time, looking to see if I'm dialated at all. I'm pretty excited to have some sort of indication if I'll be on time or not. I still need to pack my hospital bag! I did install the car seat last night though! :) Tonight I think Mitch and I will put together the crib that was delivered the other day! Its all happening!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

36 Weeks - One Month to Go?!

How time flies by! I can't believe in one month (or maybe even sooner-yikes!) that day is coming that I'll drive to the hospital, undergo the most painful experience that I've had so far and be rewarded with meeting the new human life that I've been growing inside my body. That is crazy talk I tell you!

Last weekend Mitch's mom (Janet) and I drove to Illinois for my baby shower. It was really nice, aside from the no punch! :) Really, there was no punch but it was the joke all day, "Who doesn't serve punch at a baby shower!" Janet assured me that we would have punch at my Michigan shower. The night before my shower I had a nightmare that I was at the baby shower and I started to bleed. I called for my aunt to help me and she had her friend (who happened to be a nurse) come to my aid. The lady told me that nothing was wrong, but I was going to have the baby now. I started crying and yelling that I couldn't have the baby here; I needed to call Mitch and he would be so mad if I had the baby without him. Then I realized that I hadn't even packed the hospital bag so I'd have to tell him what to grab first too. Then I realized I didn't have a car seat yet either. I decided that I needed to fly back home to Detroit to have the baby and that would be faster than driving, so I headed off the the airport. There was more drama in the airport with security but I woke up somewhere in there.

Thankfully I got the stroller/car seat travel system at the baby shower so that part of my nightmare has been relieved! I plan on packing the hospital bag soon and there aren't anymore plans of fleeing Michigan this late in the game. My aunt Natalie and Aunt Coleen threw the shower and it was great; good food and excellent company. It was really good to see my family and to have Janet meet everyone too. I got to see some that I haven't seen in a very long time. I was a little disappointed that some of my extended cousins didn't make it, but it was Memorial Day weekend afterall!

No new baby info...I'm just getting bigger. I can't bend over to touch my toes and maybe I've developed a little bit of a waddle. I wonder each time I shave my legs if it will be the last time...its almost getting there. My last doctors appointment I did the Strep B culture and I'll find out if I have it. Then I go each week for the last three weeks. I have a theory that I will give birth to this child on exactly the due date because I've had such the perfect pregnancy. Next appointment they will start checking things out to tell me if I'm dialated at all yet!

Well, I have many thank you cards to get out and Mitch is waiting for me at Mom's for our 'camping' weekend with some friends. The last two weeks have really flown by, and I can't decide if I want the next two to fly by also, or if I'd rather sort of savor the time of naps and watching my belly move! :)